中文翻译与英英解释 | (=Gaussian curve) 【物理学】高斯曲线。
| | | normal: adj. 1.正常的,平常的,普通的;平均的。 2.正规 ... | | curve: n. 1.曲线;弯曲;弯曲物。 2.曲线规 (=Fren ... | |
| a symmetrical curve representing the normal distribution 同义词:bell-shaped curve, Gaussian curve, Gaussian shape,
例句与用法 | 1. | The mean of a normally distributed population lies at the center of its normal curve . 正态分布总体的平均数在正态曲线的中心。
| | 2. | Think times are used , but varied on a normal curve 使思考时间的变化情况符合正态分布曲线。
| | 3. | Normal curves on the surface of a 四面体表面上的正则曲线
| | 4. | Aim at maintaining the normal curves of the spine when performing activities of daily living so as to prevent neck pain 预防及护理颈痛经常保持正确姿势,可减少颈痛的发生。
| | 5. | Standard deviation in statistics , a measure of the dispersion of a frequency distribution : it is the average magnitude of deviations from the center of normal curve , calculated by squaring all the deviations , calculating their mean , then finding the square root of the mean 标准偏差:统计中,一种衡量数据组分布的分散或变化情况的数据,是偏离正态分布中间位置数据大小的平均值。
| | 6. | In this study , genetic diversity of various strains of spirulina platensis is analyzed with rapd molecular marker and antibiotics marker , the results are compared with their morphologic characters , aimed at constructing a more reasonable classification criterion and knowing more about the genetic background of spirulina . additionally , it is found that under the cultivated condition the linear filament can retransite to the normal curved one which is similar to original spiral filament 本论文利用rapd分子标记及抗生素抗性标记分析了不同钝顶螺旋藻品系的遗传多态性,并与其形态学特征进行了比较,以期建立更合理的螺旋藻分类方法及加深对螺旋藻遗传背景的了解;同时,发现在养殖环境下变直藻丝体可以回变为正常螺旋形态的现象。
| | 7. | Some important problems will be mainly discussed in this paper , including : the formation and representation of bsc , bbc , tbsc , tbbc curves and surfaces , some significant properties and corresponding algorithm , the expression of normal curves and surfaces in the form of bsc , bbc , tbsc , tbbc , the methods of the reparametrization of curves and surfaces based on the theory of bsc , bbc , tbsc , tbbc curves and surfaces , the application of the theory of bsc , bbc , tbsc , tbbc curves and surfaces in the reparametrization of curves and surfaces and practical modeling 3 )函数的概念,并建立了bsc 、 bbc和tbsc 、 tbbc曲线曲面的系统理论。主要研究bsc 、 bbc和tbsc 、 tbbc曲线曲面的构造、表示、性质,特征、算法;常用曲线曲面的bsc 、 bbc表示;基于bsc 、 bbc理论的曲线曲面的重新参数化方法; bsc 、 bbc理论在曲线曲面的重新参数化和实体造型中的应用。论文分为六个主要部分。
| | 8. | It is not hard to conclude that the theory can also be used to solve the problem of reparametrization of curves and surfaces . the fifth part is the expression of normal curves and surfaces in the form of bsc and bbc . the last part involves the applications of the theory of bsc and bbc curves and surfaces in the field of reparametrization of curves and surfaces and entitative modeling 主要研究bbc函数的构造、表示和性质, bbc曲线曲面的表示方法,曲线曲面的参数方程以及它们的性质和特征, bbc曲线曲面b zier曲线曲面的关系, bbc曲线曲面的相关算法;第四部分是tbsc和tbbc曲线曲面理论,涉及tbsc和tbbc函数的概念, tbsc和tbbc曲线曲面的方程及其与b样条曲线曲面以及b zier曲线曲面的关系;第五部分是常用曲线曲面的bsc和bbc表示;第六部分是bsc和bbc曲线曲面理论在曲线曲面重新参数化中的应用和实体造型中的应用。